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HOME    Movie Helmets   16 Gage Legends Iron Man Helmet With Stand HM144-ST2

16 Gage Legends Iron Man Helmet With Stand HM144-ST2

Model#: HM144-ST2

Weight: 3.5 Kg


11 ItemsIn stock



The Marvel Legends Iron Man Electronic Helmet is perfect for both serious collectors – who are looking for the ultimate conversation piece – and enthusiastic cosplayers – who are trying to impress friends at the comic convention with a movie-inspired Iron Man helmet. The Marvel’s Legends Series is dedicated to providing fans with exceptional action figures and choice Premium Role Play collectibles. The Iron Man  Helmet is a perfect addition to the brand - built with the serious Marvel true believer in mind.

Key features :-  

Adjusted Liner with buckle and leather strap  

Material - Mild Steel  

Finish - Polished  

Dimsension -  62cm  

 Gauge   - 16

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